The Electrical Engineering Department
Electrical Engineering
The Electrical Engineering Department
Electrical Engineering
其中 5 科選 3 科為電力能源組畢業核心課程
課程名稱 | 授課內容大綱 |
微型電網 | 1.瞭解電力網與微電網之不同 2.瞭解分散式電源與綠能 3.瞭解微電網太陽能與風能 4.瞭解分散式電源之電力電子 5.瞭解微電網之電力潮流 6.瞭解微電網之故障電流計算 |
電力系統 運轉與控制 | 1. 傳輸損失 2. 機組協定 3. 水火力機組協調 4. 發電控制 5. 電力系統互聯 6. 電力系統安全 7. 狀態估計 |
軌道機電 | 高速鐵路、傳統長途鐵路、高運量捷運、中運量捷運、輕軌、磁浮鐵路的技術核心與市場潛力,歐、日高速鐵路特性差異比較,土建、供電、號誌、車輛、軌道之間的介面,營運規劃重點,輪軌特性與制動(或煞車),交流變電站、電車線與牽引馬達系統,直流變電站、第三軌與牽引馬達系統,號誌系統之元件特性與架構分析,雜散電流,規劃、設計、建造、營運之挑戰。 |
進階電力 系統分析 | 1.系統標么值應用 2.傳輸線参數計算 3.電力系統故障分析 4.電力系統穩定度分析 5.經濟調度 |
高等電力電子 | Introduction to power electronics, Characteristics analysis of switching components, Basic magnetic circuits, Basic converters, Analysis of PWMconverters, Series-resonant converter, Controller analysis, Resonant converter, Brief introduction to the applications of converters |
其中 7 科選 3 科為智慧控制組畢業核心課程
課程名稱 | 授課內容大綱 |
線性系統理論 | mathematical descriptions of systems,response of linear systems, controllability, observability and special forms, state feedback and state observers, 12-14 realization theory and algorithms,stability |
非線性 控制應用 | Adaptive Control,Backstepping Design,Sliding mode control, Adaptive sliding mode control,Adaptive fuzzy control, T-S fuzzy control |
類神經網路 | Introduction, Neuron Model and Network Architectures,Perceptron Learning Rule, Linear Transformations for Neural Networks, Supervised Learning, Widrow-Hoff Learning, Backpropagation, Associative Learning, Competitive Networks, Hopfield Network, Case Study |
模糊控制 | From Classical(Crisp) Sets to Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Set Versus Crisp Sets,Operations on Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Arithmetic,Fuzzy Relations,Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Control Application |
系統判別 | Review on signals and systems,Linear regression, various parameter estimation techniques, Identification of time-series models,Model validation, Real-time identification,Nonlinear system identification |
最佳控制 | 1.Introduction 2.Performance index 3.Minimum Principle 4.Time-optimal control 5.Minimum-Fuel optimal controlMinimum-Fuel optimal control 6.he Design of Optimal Linear Systems with Quadratic Performance index. 7.Properties and Application of Optimal Linear regulator. |
估測與追蹤 | 1.Present fundamental concepts of estimation theory. 2.Present concepts and techniques of tracking. |
其中 4 科選 2 科課程為電子電路組核心課程
課程名稱 | 授課內容大綱 |
高等電力電子 | Introduction to power electronics,Characteristics analysis of switching components, Basic magnetic circuits, Basic converters, Analysis of PWM converters Series-resonant converter, Controller analysis,Resonant converter, Brief introduction to the applications of converters |
電力電子 轉換器設計 | Basic converter topology, Push-pull and Forward converters, Half-and full-bridge converters, Flyback converter, Feedback loop of stabilization, Resonant converter, Power factor corrector, Electronic ballast |
RC 主動電路分析 | hlecomposition, Structures, and Sensitivity, Biquadratic Rilter Synthesis and hlesign, Ladder Filter Synthesis using Immittance Simulation, Filter hlesign using Signal-Flow Graph Simulation |
類比濾波器設計 或 (類比濾波電路之分析) | First-Order Filters: Bilinear Transfer Functions and Frequency Response,Second-Order Lowpass and Bandpass Filters, Second-Order Filters with Arbitrary Transmission Zeros, Lowpass Filters with Maximally FlatMagnitude, Lowpass Filters with Equal-Ripple(Chebyshev) MagnitudeResponse,Inverse Chebyshev and Cauer Filters, Frequency Transformation. |
地址. 32023 桃園市中壢區中北路200號|電話. 03-2654801|傳真. 03-2654899|信箱. cycueeweb@ee.cycu.edu.tw