Full-Time Faculty
The Electrical Engineering Department
Electrical Engineering
(Communications & Control Systems Group)
mail: tmwu@cycu.edu.tw
Specialty: Communication Theory, Radio System, Digital Signal Processing
Office: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building 5F – Room 506.
Office Tel: 886-3-265-4814
Laboratory: Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Building 5F – Room 503.
Laboratory Tel: 886-3-265-4834
1.陣列訊號處理 Array Signal Processing
2.微波與射頻工程 Microwave and RF Engineering
3.數位通信 Digital Communication
4.高等數位訊號處理 Advanced Digital Signal Processing
5.數位訊號系統與應用 Digital Signals & System with their Applications
6.接收器設計技術 Receiver Design Techniques
7.通道容量分析 Analysis for Communications Channel Capacity